Friday, February 6, 2009

2009 PCTR and PAUSATF Awards Dinners

Both the PC Trail Runs and Pacific Association held their awards dinners on the same day this year. Fortunately the PCTR one was a breakfast and the PA one was a dinner.

It was generally easy to get to the PCTR dinner because the directions were very similar to how I go to their race at Mount Diablo. I did spend over 10 minutes looking for the last turn. When I got there most of the people who were coming were already there. People were dressed very casually. As soon as I entered the building I was given 10 raffle tickets. They had at least dozen raffle prizes and each person was allowed to distribute his own tickets as he wanted. I liked this idea very much because I got more chances at the items I was interested in, and didn't patricipate in the items that i wasn't really interested in. However the strategy didn't pay off as it turned out that I didn't win anything.

There were a lot of awards to give out as there were 4 different race series (Trail (under 50k), Ultra (50k), Mini Prix, and Grand Prix). The gave awards to top 3 overall plus top 3 in each age group for each series. There was a lot of photo taking by various people but the only one I ended up getting a copy of only shows my back. After the awards, people got together for a run. I wasn't prepared as I didn't know this was on the agenda but I resovled to remember this for next year so I could participate.

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