Saturday, January 12, 2008

Race 08-01 - Run for a Healthy World 5k

5k - 2nd/148 - 17:54
Complete results here

Since I am creating this blog after having run 2 races already this year I need to go back and write about the races I've done. The first race of the year was the Run for a healthy World 5k/10k. According to the 10k starts at 10Am and the 5k starts at 10:05AM. The website also said the race day entry fee was $30. I arrived at 9:40AM and was disappointed when the people at the registration table told me the 10k started at 9:30. Also, the race day entry fee was $35, not $30. I don't know whose fault it was for the misinformation, but I wasn't the only one with bad information. I talked to a couple other people who had the same race time/fee as me, including the only other person I knew there - my friend Kennet. I paid the $35 and grudgingly ran the 5k.

The course was nice, it was just a 5k loop north of the Baylands Athletic Center. The first and third miles were on pavement and the 2nd mile was on a dirt road. My splits were (about) 5:38, 11:23, and I finished in 17:54. I was happy with the time since I usually only run about 20 seconds faster on a completely road course. Also I didn't make it to bed until 4AM the night before and for almost the whole race I felt sore from the training run I did 2 days prior (from Mill Valley up Cardiac and back). There were 3 of us very close after a mile. Then the first guy pulled away as me and the other guy held pace. He and I went back and forth until around mile 2 when he started to fade back. I finished in a solid 2nd out of 148, which was also good enough for a medal for being 2nd in my age group 20-29.

After the race for food they had a bananas, water, and some cinnamon shortbread cake thing. The cake was good but I was a little disappointed with the post race food since I have run weekly races for under $5 with more to eat. I am sure that the cause they are raising money for is worthy but I probably won't run this one again. I had made that decision when I found out about the time/price error and there wasn't anything really great to make me reconsider. So much for starting the blog (and the new year) on a good note.http://

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