February 16, 2008
30k - 2nd/100 - 2:32:35
Complete results - not available
For the 3rd year in a row I ran the PCTR Sequoia Race. The first 2 times I did the 20k, last year intentionally and the first year on accident by missing a turn in the 10k. this year I decided to run the 30k. The course is the same with an out and back stretch about half way through the 20k loop.
I got there plenty early (maybe a new trend?). Before the race I met the guy who won my age group in the PAUSATF ultra series. He said he did it by running a lot of the races.
The weather was cool - ideal for running but not so good for standing around beforehand. I was happy when we got started. I started quickly as I like to do on this course. There is a small hill near the beginning that I don't like to climb in a crowd. Soon a couple of 50k runners passed me. The first one of them was going quite fast. I eventually settled into a pace by the first age station. After the first age station there are quite a few rolling hills. I ran down them very fast and up them not so fast. Jason W was the first 30k runner to catch up me. I stayed in front of him for a while because I was running fast on the downhills but eventually he went by.
When I got to the left hand turn for the out and back section I was eager to see what it was like. The left took us down a wide trail but shortly after there was a right turn. The course wound down to a road but I was unable to run a fast pace because the footing was not helpful and there were a lot of curves. We ran along a trail for a while and then I saw some runners some down the hill on my left. They must have missed the turn. Shortly after that we hit the turnaround and there was an aid station.
After the aid station I ran back and ran by everyone else in the race who were on their way to the aid station. Going back up the hill wasn't as difficult as I thought although it was beginning to get a bit warm and sunny. I was happy to get to the end of the out and back section. It took about as long as it took me to run to it, so I figured I was 2/3 done the course.
The rest of the way back was relatively uneventful
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Updates Coming soon
3 things:
1. Due to recent non-running events I haven't had a chance to update much. I plan to have updates starting Sunday night.
2. Revising my race schedule - will have this updated too. Making some changes and working on making some more ambitious goals!!!
3. I think there have been about 20-25 different people to visit my blog. Most people are from the Bay area but there have been people from:
I think I know who everyone is except for the person who visits every 3 days from Los Angeles. WHO ARE YOU??? Please email me at jasonreed247@yahoo.com. Whoever you are you have been here more than anyone else.
1. Due to recent non-running events I haven't had a chance to update much. I plan to have updates starting Sunday night.
2. Revising my race schedule - will have this updated too. Making some changes and working on making some more ambitious goals!!!
3. I think there have been about 20-25 different people to visit my blog. Most people are from the Bay area but there have been people from:
I think I know who everyone is except for the person who visits every 3 days from Los Angeles. WHO ARE YOU??? Please email me at jasonreed247@yahoo.com. Whoever you are you have been here more than anyone else.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Race 08-08 DSE Golden Gate Vista 10k
February 10, 2008
10k - 1st/89 - 39:41
Complete Results here
This is the first DSE race I ran in 3 weeks. The weather was perfect and I got there unusually early with a stomach full of spaghetti. There was plenty of time to discuss the courses changes. Instead of running straight through the trail to the Legion of Honor we went south toward the Cliff House for a little bit, did a sharp right and followed a trail that joined the road near the bottom tof the big hill leading up to the Legion of Honor. Because of the added distance the turnaround was moved to the entrance of the trail just before the Golden Gate Bridge.
I started off fairly conservatively but had no problem taking 2nd place after a half mile. I passed Milan by the mile mark and led the rest of the way. I could tell no one was close in back of me. I confirmed this at the turnaround which was about 3.5 miles into the race because of the course change. Not much interesting happened by I got the song Home on the Range stuck in my head and couldn't stop singing it. When I got the the hill at the Legion of Honor I asked Jerry (who was volunteering as a course monitor(if he wanted to make it a relay and run the last uphill. He told me no one was close behind. So I ended up coming in first by about a minute and later I found out that Grant had dropped out due to not feeling well.
After the race there were grapes and oranges which were good. We don't usually have those at DSE races but they seemed to be popular. I also enjoyed a ton of Starburst-like candies that were there. They weren't as popular because there were plenty left over as they were picking everything up so I grabbed a bunch for a hike down to the beach after.
10k - 1st/89 - 39:41
Complete Results here
This is the first DSE race I ran in 3 weeks. The weather was perfect and I got there unusually early with a stomach full of spaghetti. There was plenty of time to discuss the courses changes. Instead of running straight through the trail to the Legion of Honor we went south toward the Cliff House for a little bit, did a sharp right and followed a trail that joined the road near the bottom tof the big hill leading up to the Legion of Honor. Because of the added distance the turnaround was moved to the entrance of the trail just before the Golden Gate Bridge.
I started off fairly conservatively but had no problem taking 2nd place after a half mile. I passed Milan by the mile mark and led the rest of the way. I could tell no one was close in back of me. I confirmed this at the turnaround which was about 3.5 miles into the race because of the course change. Not much interesting happened by I got the song Home on the Range stuck in my head and couldn't stop singing it. When I got the the hill at the Legion of Honor I asked Jerry (who was volunteering as a course monitor(if he wanted to make it a relay and run the last uphill. He told me no one was close behind. So I ended up coming in first by about a minute and later I found out that Grant had dropped out due to not feeling well.
After the race there were grapes and oranges which were good. We don't usually have those at DSE races but they seemed to be popular. I also enjoyed a ton of Starburst-like candies that were there. They weren't as popular because there were plenty left over as they were picking everything up so I grabbed a bunch for a hike down to the beach after.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Race 08-07 Jed Smith 50k
50k - 4th/ - 3:39:35
Oliver, Chikara, Eduardo, and I decided to carpool for this event. We met at Oliver's house at 5:30 and left at 5:45 to pick up Eduardo on the way. It was supposed to be about a 2:15 minute drive but we did it in about 1:45. On the way I had a big bowl of spaghetti which I didn't quite finish and a 6 ounce box of Hot Tamales Cool Mint flavor. We took a quick survey and determined that I was racing as fast as I could and the other three were using the race as a training run. It was Eduardo's first ultra and my 8th. Oliver has done a handful I think and Chikara had done more than I could count on my fingers.
We had plenty of time to get our numbers and chips, warm up, and get ready. The weather was overcast and mid 40's. It was cold just standing around but looked to be good for racing.
The course consisted of an out and back accounting for 1.6 miles and then had to run a 3.3 mile loop 9 times. The 3.3 mile loop was actually like a figure 8 with the overlapping section being about a half mile. One end of the loop was road, the other end was a trail which got muckier the longer we ran. It was not a day to keep the shoes clean.
When the race started 2 guys started well in front of the rest of the pack. I started with Chikara and 2 other guys. I didn't really pay attention to who was in back of me. One of the guys asked if I was planning to run 7 minute pace and I said yes.
About half way through the first loop I backed off into 6th place. The first 5 loops were pretty boring. I debating taking a restroom break whcih turned out to be smart. I started wondering where the other 3 were. By the end of lap 5 I saw Chikara had a 7 minute lead on me and I had a 5 minute lead on Eduardo and Oliver (Oliver slightly in front). I could tell because we started passing in the overlapping section. On loop 6 i started to gain ground on Chikara because we stopped passing in the overlapping section. On the next half lap Eduardo said something about Chikara being close and I let him know where Oliver was. Very shortly I caught up to Chikara who looked fine but obviously he slowed down from racing mode. He said he was fine. Eduardo (who looked fresh the whole way) ended up catching Oliver.
Half way through the last lap I saw a guy just in front of me going about my pace. I guessed (correctly) that he was finishing as well so I made a point to catch him. I was prepared to sprint if necessary, my legs felt fine but I didn't need to. I passed him with a half mile to go, he maintained and I picked it up for a finishing kick. I ran the last lap under 23 minutes (6:57 per mile). Initially I was very happy with that but after finding out my average pace for the whole race was 7:04 the last lap turned out to be nothing special.
My legs were more sore than any race under 26 miles but less than they usually are for an ultra. This race was not a typical ultra anyway, it was more like a marathon+5. Given the weather and muddy conditions I was happy with my pace (under 22 minutes per 5k!). This was my 8th ultra compared with only 7 marathons so I've made a milestone that I probably won't be able to undo. It was also my fastest pace maintained in an ultra (by far). Actually it was a faster than 4 of the 7 marathons...
It was cold after we finished. I was less than impressed with the post race meal which basically consisted of aid station food. I also noticed the shirts were less than spectacular (kind of plain), not that I care about shirts, I have enough. We all waited for the entire group to finish, we got food together and left. We made it home quickly other than my first time inside a Jack in the Box (I didn't eat anything).
Oliver, Chikara, Eduardo, and I decided to carpool for this event. We met at Oliver's house at 5:30 and left at 5:45 to pick up Eduardo on the way. It was supposed to be about a 2:15 minute drive but we did it in about 1:45. On the way I had a big bowl of spaghetti which I didn't quite finish and a 6 ounce box of Hot Tamales Cool Mint flavor. We took a quick survey and determined that I was racing as fast as I could and the other three were using the race as a training run. It was Eduardo's first ultra and my 8th. Oliver has done a handful I think and Chikara had done more than I could count on my fingers.
We had plenty of time to get our numbers and chips, warm up, and get ready. The weather was overcast and mid 40's. It was cold just standing around but looked to be good for racing.
The course consisted of an out and back accounting for 1.6 miles and then had to run a 3.3 mile loop 9 times. The 3.3 mile loop was actually like a figure 8 with the overlapping section being about a half mile. One end of the loop was road, the other end was a trail which got muckier the longer we ran. It was not a day to keep the shoes clean.
When the race started 2 guys started well in front of the rest of the pack. I started with Chikara and 2 other guys. I didn't really pay attention to who was in back of me. One of the guys asked if I was planning to run 7 minute pace and I said yes.

My legs were more sore than any race under 26 miles but less than they usually are for an ultra. This race was not a typical ultra anyway, it was more like a marathon+5. Given the weather and muddy conditions I was happy with my pace (under 22 minutes per 5k!). This was my 8th ultra compared with only 7 marathons so I've made a milestone that I probably won't be able to undo. It was also my fastest pace maintained in an ultra (by far). Actually it was a faster than 4 of the 7 marathons...
It was cold after we finished. I was less than impressed with the post race meal which basically consisted of aid station food. I also noticed the shirts were less than spectacular (kind of plain), not that I care about shirts, I have enough. We all waited for the entire group to finish, we got food together and left. We made it home quickly other than my first time inside a Jack in the Box (I didn't eat anything).
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Race 08-06 Jazz Trax Snowshoe Stomp 10k
This entry has 2 parts because really the trip started on Saturday night. I had a reservation to get a rental SUV at 4PM from SFO. I planned to pick it up, and go to the annual DSE Gala Dinner at 7PM, then leave S.F. with Oliver and head east toward our reserved hotel in Stockton. Upon coming home from a trip to the gym (ran there and back of course) I realized the dinner was at 6PM, not 7PM. So I hurried to get the car and went to the dinner. I had 5 cars from which to choose and I took a charcoal Jeep Cherokee Laredo. It had under 1000 miles and it was an automatic with a slap stick shifter.
I left the rental place and headed for the Gala Dinner. The dinner was very good. Ken did a great job of putting it on. I had the salmon for the second year in a row. People had a great time letting off loud squeaky balloons at random times. The balloons shots around the room, flying up toward the ceiling, and darting at people hair, and going all over the place. We saw an excellent movie about Harry, a totally blind runner who ran the Dipsea race. Most everyone in the club knows who Harry is.
There was a low key awards ceremony. Instead of handing out trophies and the like as names were called, it was up to us to pick up our hardware from a table. They just announced the names and it was up to us to stand up when we were called. it was much better this way as it moved along. i found it helpful to leave my awards on the awards table because there was limited room on the dinner table. I got several awards:
- A Mongo trophy for having done a certain number of DSE races and volunteering (I don't remember the requirements, I just do them)
- A small trophy for 1st place Age group points. This was largely due to Grant not moving to SF until February, getting lost on a couple courses, and missing that start for another race, etc. He will win from now on if he wants to.
- A plaque for being 2nd overall in top 5 finishes (ironically Grant was 1st, because when he did run the races he usually won). The plaque was also for most racing miles in 2007. This is the award I care most about. I ran 606.5 miles in 2007 (plus swam a 1 mi. race that didn't count toward my total). I achieved my goal of 600 (50 race miles a month). This is largely due to running most races I could find up to 31 miles. It is difficult because I actually race every race with 100% effort. I don't ever run a race and take it easy (why go?). The thing that really helped was getting in 2 races in many weekends (or sometimes 3 races, and on one occasion 4 races in 1 weekend). I have set a goal of 800 race miles 2008 and 1000 in 2009, so we'll see where it goes.
At some point I invited nearly everyone I could to he snowshoe race Sunday but had no more takers. After I left I picked up Oliver who had gone home to finish packing and Chikara who couldn't make the dinner. So it was rainy and uneventful for the group as we went to the Stockton hotel. We checked in quickly and made it to bed at 1AM. We scheduled a 6Am wakeup call.
The wakeup call came at 5:45. I took a shower, Chikara and Oliver opted not to. we checked out without a problem and ate at a MacDonald's just up the road. I had orange juice, and a biscuit with cheese (I took the bacon out). I don't really like MacDonald's but we were in Stockton before 7AM on a Sunday and our options were limited. The weather looked good for most of the way. We noted how many Ron Paul signs were in people's lawns (there were a lot). I started to get a little nervous about chain controls after we saw a sign saying CA-4 was closed at a certain point. According to Oliver's GPS the closure was 4 miles past where we were going.
As we started climbing the road became wetter, then slushy a little, and just past Arnold we hit the Caltrans authorities. They turned us around for not having chains so we went back to Arnold to get some. The 4 or 5 stores we went to were out so we didn't know what to do. A courageous member of the group wanted to hitch, a less daring person wanted to go back up and try to talk our way through, and an undecisive one of us did not offer an opinion or break the tie. So we decided to go see how far we could get. When we got back to the chain control checkpoint the police cruisers were gone and only a couple Caltrans people. The same woman greeted us and informed us that chains are required. She also noted that she was not an officer, she was just Caltrans.
So we made it through and got to the race at 10:16 for a 10AM start. However the race was postponed until 10:30 and Patty Jo (the race director) was very accomodating to make sure all entrants were ready and had their equipment ready before started. So we didn't miss the start. Chikara, another guy and I started in the lead group. After about 10 minutes Chikara started to open a serious lead (so what else is new), Oliver caught up and passed the other guy and me, and the places were set - Chikara, Oliver, other guy, me. It stayed that way for the whole race, other than Oliver missing a turn (not his fault).
It felt fine while we were running, but it was freezing after. the temperature was 33 degrees and during the race we picked up a couple inches of snow. After geting warm clothes in the car we went in for food and awards. The food was excellent for the 2nd year in a row. I had a few different soups, some bread, and hot chocolate. I got a medal for 2nd in my age group (Chikara counted as 1st overall, not age group). I also won a candle in the random draw prize. There were 3 big prizes - 2 pairs of snowshoes and an Ipod. None of us got those despite odds that were more favorable than normal. we stayed a while, took some pictures, and headed home.
Going down the mountain wasn't so bad. I kept it in 1st gear for an hour as went about 15mph and lost 2000+' of elevation. I didn't have to hit the brake at all in that stretch and we didn't slide on the snow at all. By the time we got to 5000' there was no more snow and it was a long boring drive back. We stopped for gas because we were on E for quite a while. We got quick cheap food at a K-mart. I ate a pound of Twizzlers, Chikara got a hot dog and nachos, and Oliver got something I don't know what it was because I never saw it before. ("Asian delicacy" he says). i dropped them off, and went back to bring the car back. Unfortunately since we didn't make it back until after 8PM we got charged for another day with the car (I haven't told them yet!). It was a very fun trip and all 3 of us were very glad that we went.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
2008 Planned Race Schedule
Races I plan to run in 2008:
Tue Jan 1 Run for a Healthy World 5k
Sun Jan 6 DSE Double Lake Merced Run 9M
Sun Jan 13 DSE Fort Point 12K
Sat Jan 19 PCTR Pacifica 30k
Sun Jan 20 DSE Sawyer Camp Trail 10K
Sun Jan 27 JazzTrax Snowshoe Stomp 10k
Sat Feb 2 Jed Smith 50k
Sun Feb 10 DSE Golden Gate Bridge Vista 5M
Sat Feb 16 PCTR Sequoia 30k
Sun Feb 17 Auburn Snowshoe Challenge 10k
Sun Feb 24 DSE Waterfront 5K
Sat Mar 1 PCTR Skyline Ridge 37k
Sun Mar 2 DSE Windmill 10K
Sun Mar 9 Snowshoeing National Championships 10k
Sun Mar 16 Across The Bay 12K
Sat Mar 22 PCTR Pirates Cove 30k
Sun Mar 23 DSE Easter Roller Coaster 5K
Sun Mar 30 DSE Embarcadero 10K
Sat Apr 5 American River 50mi.
Sun Apr 6 DSE Great Highway Run 4M
Sun Apr 13 DSE Golden Gate Park 10K
Sat/Sun Apr 19/20 The Relay: Calistoga to Santa Cruz 199mi.
Sun Apr 27 PCTR Big Basin 30k
Sun May 4 DSE Walt Stack 10K
Sat May 10 Quicksilver 50mi.
Sun May 11 DSE Kennedy Drive 8K
Sun May 18 Bay to Breakers 12k
Sun May 25 DSE Mission Rock 5K
Mon May 26 Marin Memorial Day 10k
Sun Jun 1 DSE Practice Dipsea Run 6.8Mi.
Sun Jun 8 DSE PCTR Mount Diablo 25k
Sat Jun 14 PCTR Santa Cruz 29k
Sun Jun 15 DSE Conservatory 5K
Sat Jun 21 DSE Double Dipsea Handicap Race 13.7M
Sun Jun 29 DSE Strawberry Hill 5K
Sat Jul 5 PCTR Angel Island 25k
Sun Jul 6 DSE Double Lake Merced Run 9M
Sun Jul 13 DSE Golden Gate Bridge Vista 5M
Sat Jul 19 PCTR Sequoia 30k
Sun Jul 20 DSE Marina Green 5K
Sun Jul 27 DSE Windmill 10K
Sun Aug 3 Skyline 50k
Sun Aug 10 DSE Daly City Scenic Run 6.8M
Sun Aug 17 DSE Golden Gate Park Cross Country 5K
Sat Aug 23 Golden Gate Headlands 50k
Sun Aug 31 DSE Potrero Hill Run 4M
Mon Sep 1 Tamalpa Mt. Tam Hill Climb 2.6mi.
Sat Sep 6 PCTR Redwood Park 30k
Sun Sep 7 DSE Rainbow Falls 5K
Sun Sep 14 DSE Stern Grove Run 4M
Sun Sep 21 DSE Lake Merced Half Marathon
Fri Sep 26? Palo Alto Moonlight Run 10k
Sun Sep 28 DSE Oyster Point 5M
Sun Oct 5 Bridge to Bridge 12K
Sat Oct 11 Dick Collins Firetrails 50mi.
Sun Oct 12 DSE Golden Gate Park 10K
Sun Oct 19 DSE Ballpark 5K
Sun Oct 26 DSE Fort Point 12K
Sun Nov 2 DSE Sawyer Camp Trail 10K
Sat Nov 8 PCTR Stinson Beach 30k
Sun Nov 9 DSE Embarcadero 10K
Sun Nov 16 DSE Polo Field 5K
Sat Nov 22 PCTR San Francisco 20k
Sun Nov 23 DSE Great Highway Run 4M
Thu Nov 26 Turkey Beach Trot 5k
Sun Nov 28 Quadruple Dipsea 28.4mi.
Sat Dec 6 PCTR Woodside 35k
Sun Dec 7 DSE Ferry Building Run 4M
Sat Dec 13 PCTR Muir Beach 30k
Sun Dec 14 Miracle Mile
Sun Dec 14 Chrismas Relays 4x4.5mi.
Sat Dec 20 PCTR Rodea Beach 10k
Sun Dec 21 Christmas Classic 5K
Sun Dec 28 DSE Mission Rock 5K
Total: 74 races, 822.9 miles
Other events:
Sat Jan 26 DSE Gala Dinner
Sun Aug 24 DSE Volunteer Picnic
Thur Dec 25 DSE Xmas Blind Date Relays 2x2 mi.
Tue Jan 1 Run for a Healthy World 5k
Sun Jan 6 DSE Double Lake Merced Run 9M
Sun Jan 13 DSE Fort Point 12K
Sat Jan 19 PCTR Pacifica 30k
Sun Jan 20 DSE Sawyer Camp Trail 10K
Sun Jan 27 JazzTrax Snowshoe Stomp 10k
Sat Feb 2 Jed Smith 50k
Sun Feb 10 DSE Golden Gate Bridge Vista 5M
Sat Feb 16 PCTR Sequoia 30k
Sun Feb 17 Auburn Snowshoe Challenge 10k
Sun Feb 24 DSE Waterfront 5K
Sat Mar 1 PCTR Skyline Ridge 37k
Sun Mar 2 DSE Windmill 10K
Sun Mar 9 Snowshoeing National Championships 10k
Sun Mar 16 Across The Bay 12K
Sat Mar 22 PCTR Pirates Cove 30k
Sun Mar 23 DSE Easter Roller Coaster 5K
Sun Mar 30 DSE Embarcadero 10K
Sat Apr 5 American River 50mi.
Sun Apr 6 DSE Great Highway Run 4M
Sun Apr 13 DSE Golden Gate Park 10K
Sat/Sun Apr 19/20 The Relay: Calistoga to Santa Cruz 199mi.
Sun Apr 27 PCTR Big Basin 30k
Sun May 4 DSE Walt Stack 10K
Sat May 10 Quicksilver 50mi.
Sun May 11 DSE Kennedy Drive 8K
Sun May 18 Bay to Breakers 12k
Sun May 25 DSE Mission Rock 5K
Mon May 26 Marin Memorial Day 10k
Sun Jun 1 DSE Practice Dipsea Run 6.8Mi.
Sun Jun 8 DSE PCTR Mount Diablo 25k
Sat Jun 14 PCTR Santa Cruz 29k
Sun Jun 15 DSE Conservatory 5K
Sat Jun 21 DSE Double Dipsea Handicap Race 13.7M
Sun Jun 29 DSE Strawberry Hill 5K
Sat Jul 5 PCTR Angel Island 25k
Sun Jul 6 DSE Double Lake Merced Run 9M
Sun Jul 13 DSE Golden Gate Bridge Vista 5M
Sat Jul 19 PCTR Sequoia 30k
Sun Jul 20 DSE Marina Green 5K
Sun Jul 27 DSE Windmill 10K
Sun Aug 3 Skyline 50k
Sun Aug 10 DSE Daly City Scenic Run 6.8M
Sun Aug 17 DSE Golden Gate Park Cross Country 5K
Sat Aug 23 Golden Gate Headlands 50k
Sun Aug 31 DSE Potrero Hill Run 4M
Mon Sep 1 Tamalpa Mt. Tam Hill Climb 2.6mi.
Sat Sep 6 PCTR Redwood Park 30k
Sun Sep 7 DSE Rainbow Falls 5K
Sun Sep 14 DSE Stern Grove Run 4M
Sun Sep 21 DSE Lake Merced Half Marathon
Fri Sep 26? Palo Alto Moonlight Run 10k
Sun Sep 28 DSE Oyster Point 5M
Sun Oct 5 Bridge to Bridge 12K
Sat Oct 11 Dick Collins Firetrails 50mi.
Sun Oct 12 DSE Golden Gate Park 10K
Sun Oct 19 DSE Ballpark 5K
Sun Oct 26 DSE Fort Point 12K
Sun Nov 2 DSE Sawyer Camp Trail 10K
Sat Nov 8 PCTR Stinson Beach 30k
Sun Nov 9 DSE Embarcadero 10K
Sun Nov 16 DSE Polo Field 5K
Sat Nov 22 PCTR San Francisco 20k
Sun Nov 23 DSE Great Highway Run 4M
Thu Nov 26 Turkey Beach Trot 5k
Sun Nov 28 Quadruple Dipsea 28.4mi.
Sat Dec 6 PCTR Woodside 35k
Sun Dec 7 DSE Ferry Building Run 4M
Sat Dec 13 PCTR Muir Beach 30k
Sun Dec 14 Miracle Mile
Sun Dec 14 Chrismas Relays 4x4.5mi.
Sat Dec 20 PCTR Rodea Beach 10k
Sun Dec 21 Christmas Classic 5K
Sun Dec 28 DSE Mission Rock 5K
Total: 74 races, 822.9 miles
Other events:
Sat Jan 26 DSE Gala Dinner
Sun Aug 24 DSE Volunteer Picnic
Thur Dec 25 DSE Xmas Blind Date Relays 2x2 mi.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Race 08-05 DSE Sawyer Camp 10k
January 20, 2008
10k - 6th/118 - 36:29
Complete Results here
Since I raced long yesterday I didn't have high expectations for today's race, the DSE Sawyer Camp 10k. I was hoping to be around 38 minutes. Once again there was a good group of fast guys at the start and I hung on to them for a while. It spread out after a mile and I ended up right in back of the guy in 5th. The first woman, Maria (who I had never seen before) stayed right on my shoulder. I went back and forth with the guy in 5th but found it very difficult after a while because every time there was a curve (of which there are a lot) he would go off the paved road and cut the corners. Maria told me after she was pacing off of me, but toward the last couple miles it appeared that she dropped off a little.
I was happy with my splits - 5:43, 11:33, 17:32, and 18:13 at the half. I didn't get mile splits on the way back because the signs on the road count the miles down and don't account for the extra .1 we run at the turnaround. It turned out that I ran the second half in 18:16 which is as consistent as I've been in a while. On the way back I knew I would be close to a PR but I missed it by 7 seconds. I was very happy with that considering what I ran yesterday. This concluded a 52+ mile week which is my highest weekly mileage total since 2002!
10k - 6th/118 - 36:29
Complete Results here
Since I raced long yesterday I didn't have high expectations for today's race, the DSE Sawyer Camp 10k. I was hoping to be around 38 minutes. Once again there was a good group of fast guys at the start and I hung on to them for a while. It spread out after a mile and I ended up right in back of the guy in 5th. The first woman, Maria (who I had never seen before) stayed right on my shoulder. I went back and forth with the guy in 5th but found it very difficult after a while because every time there was a curve (of which there are a lot) he would go off the paved road and cut the corners. Maria told me after she was pacing off of me, but toward the last couple miles it appeared that she dropped off a little.
I was happy with my splits - 5:43, 11:33, 17:32, and 18:13 at the half. I didn't get mile splits on the way back because the signs on the road count the miles down and don't account for the extra .1 we run at the turnaround. It turned out that I ran the second half in 18:16 which is as consistent as I've been in a while. On the way back I knew I would be close to a PR but I missed it by 7 seconds. I was very happy with that considering what I ran yesterday. This concluded a 52+ mile week which is my highest weekly mileage total since 2002!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Race 08-04 PCTR Pacifica 30k
January 19, 2008
30k - 3rd/39 - 2:41:36
Today I ran the PC Trail Runs 30k today. The weather was perfect (as usual) and the course was mostly dried up from the heavy rains a couple weeks ago. I set a goal of beating the time I ran on the course last summer, which was 2:38:30.
I started off in first, as I usually do on this course because I always intend on climbing fast and the course is mostly single track for the first 3 miles. 2 guys passed me about half way up and 3 high school kids passed me during the last mile. As I was climbing I definitely had heavy legs from the mileage I had done earlier in the week (3 runs of 9.2 miles). When I got to the top I found out the high school kids weren't in the race because they were standing around up there. I found out later they tried to pass themselves off as official entrants at the aid station at the bottom of the mountain.
On the way down a guy in the 20k passed me, then Ryan and Will caught up and politely asked me to pass and I enjoyed good conversation with Will for quite a while. They were both running the 50k. About 3/4 the way down I ran right through a vine that had a ton of spikes on it. I could see immediately blood coming from several cuts above me knee. Adrian was at the bottom and he offered my some band-aids but I declined.
I felt good at the bottom and considered whether or not I would beat my goal. I passed Will and Ryan on the first hill on the 9k section. Ryan could me on the way down and I stayed in that place the rest of the way. I could hear Ryan ahead of me for quite a while because even though the next stretch was switchbacks, he had loud headphones on.
It was more or less uneventful for the rest of the way. I was focusing on my time. I did the 12k loop in about 1:03. I had 1:51 at the bottom of the 2nd loop and at that point I more or less I knew I wouldn't run a 2:38. I ran hard on the last loop but finished in 2:41:36. When I got to the end I saw that the cuts from the thorns went all the way from above my knee down my shin to the top of my socks. It must have been loaded with thorns too because there were dozens of scratches resulting in one large open wound. I had dried blood everywhere on the from of my lower leg. Although it didn't hurt while I was running, once I stopped it was a very sharp stinging pain. I waited at the bottom to talk with Will and Ryan. Peter and Oliver also came out and ran the 30k so we talked at the end as well. I tried to convince them to come out to the DSE race tomorrow.
30k - 3rd/39 - 2:41:36
Today I ran the PC Trail Runs 30k today. The weather was perfect (as usual) and the course was mostly dried up from the heavy rains a couple weeks ago. I set a goal of beating the time I ran on the course last summer, which was 2:38:30.
I started off in first, as I usually do on this course because I always intend on climbing fast and the course is mostly single track for the first 3 miles. 2 guys passed me about half way up and 3 high school kids passed me during the last mile. As I was climbing I definitely had heavy legs from the mileage I had done earlier in the week (3 runs of 9.2 miles). When I got to the top I found out the high school kids weren't in the race because they were standing around up there. I found out later they tried to pass themselves off as official entrants at the aid station at the bottom of the mountain.
On the way down a guy in the 20k passed me, then Ryan and Will caught up and politely asked me to pass and I enjoyed good conversation with Will for quite a while. They were both running the 50k. About 3/4 the way down I ran right through a vine that had a ton of spikes on it. I could see immediately blood coming from several cuts above me knee. Adrian was at the bottom and he offered my some band-aids but I declined.
I felt good at the bottom and considered whether or not I would beat my goal. I passed Will and Ryan on the first hill on the 9k section. Ryan could me on the way down and I stayed in that place the rest of the way. I could hear Ryan ahead of me for quite a while because even though the next stretch was switchbacks, he had loud headphones on.
It was more or less uneventful for the rest of the way. I was focusing on my time. I did the 12k loop in about 1:03. I had 1:51 at the bottom of the 2nd loop and at that point I more or less I knew I wouldn't run a 2:38. I ran hard on the last loop but finished in 2:41:36. When I got to the end I saw that the cuts from the thorns went all the way from above my knee down my shin to the top of my socks. It must have been loaded with thorns too because there were dozens of scratches resulting in one large open wound. I had dried blood everywhere on the from of my lower leg. Although it didn't hurt while I was running, once I stopped it was a very sharp stinging pain. I waited at the bottom to talk with Will and Ryan. Peter and Oliver also came out and ran the 30k so we talked at the end as well. I tried to convince them to come out to the DSE race tomorrow.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Race 08-03 DSE Fort Point 12k
January 13, 2008
12 kilometers - 6th/92 - 45:36
Complete Results here
The weather was a perfect sunny and 60 or so degrees. I left home later than I wanted (as usual) and when I saw a gathering of people at the east end of the Marina green I drove over there. It turned out to be the wrong place but fortunately Phyllis was there to direct me to the proper place. As I was going back to my car I ran into Chikara who also was mistaken about the starting place. I gave him a ride and we both registered as the pre-race instructions were given out.
We nearly had some confusion a quarter mile in as Ky, who was leading the pack could not decide which direction to circle at the end of the Yacht Harbor parking lot. He finally decided to go clockwise and we all followed. At the mile mark we had the largest pack I can remember at a DSE race. Nathan, Grant, Chikara and I were chatting it up. Oliver and a couple others hung in with us too. During the second mile it got more spread out. Oliver passed me going up the hill to Fort Mason and I passed him going back down the other side. I stayed in the same place the rest of the way.
We turned around at Aquatic Park and as Eduardo and I went by end other he commented on the strong field that showed up. It appeared Eduardo was on another training run. We ran back over the Fort Mason hill all the way to the building under the Golden Gate Bridge. At that turnaround I noticed Oliver in a dual with the lead woman which indicated a strong women's field as well. I finished strong but uneventfully as I was almost a minute in back of Chikara and almost a minute in front of Oliver. About half way through the race I decided 45:00 would be a good time but I must have slowed down because I ended up with a 45:36. My splits were 5:50, 11:48, 18:12, 24:13, 30:31, 36:46, and 42:54.
I had as much of an enjoyable time at this race than I have at any DSE race so far. This was largely due to the (relatively) competitive field, the weather, and the course.
12 kilometers - 6th/92 - 45:36
Complete Results here
The weather was a perfect sunny and 60 or so degrees. I left home later than I wanted (as usual) and when I saw a gathering of people at the east end of the Marina green I drove over there. It turned out to be the wrong place but fortunately Phyllis was there to direct me to the proper place. As I was going back to my car I ran into Chikara who also was mistaken about the starting place. I gave him a ride and we both registered as the pre-race instructions were given out.
We nearly had some confusion a quarter mile in as Ky, who was leading the pack could not decide which direction to circle at the end of the Yacht Harbor parking lot. He finally decided to go clockwise and we all followed. At the mile mark we had the largest pack I can remember at a DSE race. Nathan, Grant, Chikara and I were chatting it up. Oliver and a couple others hung in with us too. During the second mile it got more spread out. Oliver passed me going up the hill to Fort Mason and I passed him going back down the other side. I stayed in the same place the rest of the way.
We turned around at Aquatic Park and as Eduardo and I went by end other he commented on the strong field that showed up. It appeared Eduardo was on another training run. We ran back over the Fort Mason hill all the way to the building under the Golden Gate Bridge. At that turnaround I noticed Oliver in a dual with the lead woman which indicated a strong women's field as well. I finished strong but uneventfully as I was almost a minute in back of Chikara and almost a minute in front of Oliver. About half way through the race I decided 45:00 would be a good time but I must have slowed down because I ended up with a 45:36. My splits were 5:50, 11:48, 18:12, 24:13, 30:31, 36:46, and 42:54.
I had as much of an enjoyable time at this race than I have at any DSE race so far. This was largely due to the (relatively) competitive field, the weather, and the course.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Race 08-02 - DSE Double Lake Merced Loop
January 6, 2008
9 miles - 1st/32 - 54:40
Complete results here
The second race of the year was the weekly DSE race. The options were the single and double Lake Merced loops, in San Francisco. As I usually do, I ran the longer event which totaled 9 miles. I arrived at 8:27AM for an 8:30AM and did my typical warmup of 0 miles. The only person i saw at the starting line that I thought could keep pace with me was Eduardo, who I go back and forth with seemingly every other race.
Due to recent heavy rain and wind the course was littered with pieces of trees - bark, branches, pine needles - you name it. It didn't feel like it slowed me down. I started quickly which I felt was about the same as I would start a 10k. I was trying to finish under 53 minutes, or at least 54 minutes. At the far end of the lake I looked back and didn't see anyone close which made me wonder where Eduardo was. I didn't look back again until the same spot on the next loop, although I had figured out I had a pretty big lead well before that. In the end my splits turned out to be 5:40 (1mi.), 11:22 (2mi.), 17:30 (3mi.), 26:42 (4.5 mi.=1 loop), 29:56 (5mi.), 48:59 (8 mi.). I didn't get all of my splits because I failed to clear enough space in my watch before the race. I finished in 54:40 which turned out to be 1st out of only 32. Eduardo incorporated the race into a 3+ hour training run which explains why he didn't run it with me. That was unfortunate since I was hoping he would be there so we could pace each other.
When I was about 7 miles in I began doing the math in my head to figure if anyone in the single loop race would catch me. Since I made it through 1 loop in 26:42 I concluded that if they started on time no one would. I started my second lop with a 3:18 head start and I didn't think anyone would be able to close that gap in only 4.5 miles. I anticipated running the 2nd loop in 27:30 and I ended up doing it in 27:58 and I didn't think anyone would run the single in 24 minutes. Grant won the single loop race (as usual) in 26:16 with Chikara who is getting back in shape following closely behind.
It started to rain just after I finished so I took refuge under a tent. I was glad I was not still out there running.
9 miles - 1st/32 - 54:40
Complete results here
The second race of the year was the weekly DSE race. The options were the single and double Lake Merced loops, in San Francisco. As I usually do, I ran the longer event which totaled 9 miles. I arrived at 8:27AM for an 8:30AM and did my typical warmup of 0 miles. The only person i saw at the starting line that I thought could keep pace with me was Eduardo, who I go back and forth with seemingly every other race.
Due to recent heavy rain and wind the course was littered with pieces of trees - bark, branches, pine needles - you name it. It didn't feel like it slowed me down. I started quickly which I felt was about the same as I would start a 10k. I was trying to finish under 53 minutes, or at least 54 minutes. At the far end of the lake I looked back and didn't see anyone close which made me wonder where Eduardo was. I didn't look back again until the same spot on the next loop, although I had figured out I had a pretty big lead well before that. In the end my splits turned out to be 5:40 (1mi.), 11:22 (2mi.), 17:30 (3mi.), 26:42 (4.5 mi.=1 loop), 29:56 (5mi.), 48:59 (8 mi.). I didn't get all of my splits because I failed to clear enough space in my watch before the race. I finished in 54:40 which turned out to be 1st out of only 32. Eduardo incorporated the race into a 3+ hour training run which explains why he didn't run it with me. That was unfortunate since I was hoping he would be there so we could pace each other.
When I was about 7 miles in I began doing the math in my head to figure if anyone in the single loop race would catch me. Since I made it through 1 loop in 26:42 I concluded that if they started on time no one would. I started my second lop with a 3:18 head start and I didn't think anyone would be able to close that gap in only 4.5 miles. I anticipated running the 2nd loop in 27:30 and I ended up doing it in 27:58 and I didn't think anyone would run the single in 24 minutes. Grant won the single loop race (as usual) in 26:16 with Chikara who is getting back in shape following closely behind.
It started to rain just after I finished so I took refuge under a tent. I was glad I was not still out there running.
Race 08-01 - Run for a Healthy World 5k
5k - 2nd/148 - 17:54
Complete results here
Since I am creating this blog after having run 2 races already this year I need to go back and write about the races I've done. The first race of the year was the Run for a healthy World 5k/10k. According to theschedule.com the 10k starts at 10Am and the 5k starts at 10:05AM. The website also said the race day entry fee was $30. I arrived at 9:40AM and was disappointed when the people at the registration table told me the 10k started at 9:30. Also, the race day entry fee was $35, not $30. I don't know whose fault it was for the misinformation, but I wasn't the only one with bad information. I talked to a couple other people who had the same race time/fee as me, including the only other person I knew there - my friend Kennet. I paid the $35 and grudgingly ran the 5k.
The course was nice, it was just a 5k loop north of the Baylands Athletic Center. The first and third miles were on pavement and the 2nd mile was on a dirt road. My splits were (about) 5:38, 11:23, and I finished in 17:54. I was happy with the time since I usually only run about 20 seconds faster on a completely road course. Also I didn't make it to bed until 4AM the night before and for almost the whole race I felt sore from the training run I did 2 days prior (from Mill Valley up Cardiac and back). There were 3 of us very close after a mile. Then the first guy pulled away as me and the other guy held pace. He and I went back and forth until around mile 2 when he started to fade back. I finished in a solid 2nd out of 148, which was also good enough for a medal for being 2nd in my age group 20-29.
After the race for food they had a bananas, water, and some cinnamon shortbread cake thing. The cake was good but I was a little disappointed with the post race food since I have run weekly races for under $5 with more to eat. I am sure that the cause they are raising money for is worthy but I probably won't run this one again. I had made that decision when I found out about the time/price error and there wasn't anything really great to make me reconsider. So much for starting the blog (and the new year) on a good note.http://
Complete results here
Since I am creating this blog after having run 2 races already this year I need to go back and write about the races I've done. The first race of the year was the Run for a healthy World 5k/10k. According to theschedule.com the 10k starts at 10Am and the 5k starts at 10:05AM. The website also said the race day entry fee was $30. I arrived at 9:40AM and was disappointed when the people at the registration table told me the 10k started at 9:30. Also, the race day entry fee was $35, not $30. I don't know whose fault it was for the misinformation, but I wasn't the only one with bad information. I talked to a couple other people who had the same race time/fee as me, including the only other person I knew there - my friend Kennet. I paid the $35 and grudgingly ran the 5k.
The course was nice, it was just a 5k loop north of the Baylands Athletic Center. The first and third miles were on pavement and the 2nd mile was on a dirt road. My splits were (about) 5:38, 11:23, and I finished in 17:54. I was happy with the time since I usually only run about 20 seconds faster on a completely road course. Also I didn't make it to bed until 4AM the night before and for almost the whole race I felt sore from the training run I did 2 days prior (from Mill Valley up Cardiac and back). There were 3 of us very close after a mile. Then the first guy pulled away as me and the other guy held pace. He and I went back and forth until around mile 2 when he started to fade back. I finished in a solid 2nd out of 148, which was also good enough for a medal for being 2nd in my age group 20-29.
After the race for food they had a bananas, water, and some cinnamon shortbread cake thing. The cake was good but I was a little disappointed with the post race food since I have run weekly races for under $5 with more to eat. I am sure that the cause they are raising money for is worthy but I probably won't run this one again. I had made that decision when I found out about the time/price error and there wasn't anything really great to make me reconsider. So much for starting the blog (and the new year) on a good note.http://
My name is Jason Reed. I am 28 and I live in Burlingame, CA which is 15 minutes south of San Francisco. I enjoy running races and I am creating this blog as a means to track the races I run. In addition to logging my times I am intending on writing a small review of the races and share some of my experiences. I am looking to buy a digital camera soon too so I might be able to post some pictures.
My plans this year are to compete in the PAUSATF Ultra Racing Circuit, compete in the Dolphin South End Runners series, and race in the Pacific Coast Trail Runs series. I also plan to do other races that aren't part of those series, including a few snowshoeing races and the 3 major 12k races in San Francisco.
My plans this year are to compete in the PAUSATF Ultra Racing Circuit, compete in the Dolphin South End Runners series, and race in the Pacific Coast Trail Runs series. I also plan to do other races that aren't part of those series, including a few snowshoeing races and the 3 major 12k races in San Francisco.
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